Green Geotechnics were engaged by a private client to undertake a geotechnical assessment of large-scale translational landslide which occurred on a rural property in Western Sydney. The landslide occurred following a 1 in 50-year rainfall event. Green Geotechnics provided an assessment of the site and carried out a Slope Risk Assessment in accordance with Australian Geomechanics guidelines assessing the risk to both life and property. Following the risk assessment Green Geotechnical provided the client with remediation options and recommendations for slope stabilisation.


Green Geotechnics were engaged by a prominent developer to undertake a detailed pre-construction geotechnical investigation for a proposed multi-level residential unit development in Sydney. The building included three levels of basement car parking with excavation depths up to 12 metres. Green Geotechnics were retained by the developer to provide input into the tender design of the shoring system and subsequently attended site during construction to inspect bulk excavation, shoring and the buildings foundations.


Green Geotechnics were engaged to undertake geotechnical investigations of six school sites throughout metropolitan and regional NSW as part of the NSW Governments Schools Infrastructure program. Our investigations were required to progress tender designs of new school halls at each facility. Our brief was to investigate the subsurface conditions and provide geotechnical reports which would be relied upon for the tender designs of each building. Green Geotechnics have subsequently been retained to undertaken construction stage support of the developments.  to undertake a detailed pre-construction geotechnical investigation for a proposed multi-level residential unit development in Sydney. The building included three levels of basement car parking with excavation depths up to 12 metres. Green Geotechnics were retained by the developer to provide input into the tender design of the shoring system and subsequently attended site during construction to inspect bulk excavation, shoring and the buildings foundations.


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